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HomeGrown Pediatrics is a concept created by my husband, Scott, and I, after having four fantastic, wonderful children - Maddox, Rian, Oliver, and Emerson Rose.  We realized that the world is evolving and the health care of today is not meeting the needs of the children of tomorrow. Physicians should be supporting families through challenges associated with physical and mental health without the time constraints, paperwork, or financial constraints forced by insurance companies. So we created HomeGrown based on a direct primary care model of medicine.  I am a physician who wants to help my families thrive. We hope that you explore this idea and grow your child with us.     

With love and trust, 

 Dr. Kate        


Dr. Kate was born and raised in Cattaraugus, NY.  Moving back to the country has always been the goal.  Scott, her husband, grew up in Ellicottville, and when God created an opportunity to move back to the area, Dr. Kate knew this was the time.  She is a Doctor of Osteopathy, graduating from Medical School in 2008. She then completed Residency at Women and Childrens Hospital of Buffalo, including a year as Chief Resident.  She currently works at Pediatric and Adolescent Urgent Care of WNY, where she will continue to work while pouring her heart and soul into HomeGrown Pediatrics.

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